Make System Intelligent – Computational Analytics Xiaomo Jiang, Ph.D., P.E.(姜孝谟博士) Kwang-hua Visiting Professor,TongjiUniversity Senior Engineer, General Electric Company ? Ageing engineering systems always contain potential deficiencies such as fatigue cracks, wear, or corrosion. These failures may result in fatal incidents and huge loss of life and properties. An ageing system needs to be frequently inspected, timely maintained, and efficiently repaired in order to reduce the risk of loss. Therefore, scientific maintenance methodologies are needed to enhance engineering system reliability and safety, reduce maintenance manpower, spares, and repair costs, eliminate scheduled inspections, and maximize lead time for maintenance and parts procurement. This presentation provides an overview of the key projects the author has led over the past 5 years. These projects involve a wide variety of areas including health monitoring, damage diagnosis and prognosis, model validation, risk modeling, and remote monitoring of engineering systems with uncertainties. The focus of these researches is to make engineering system intelligent via developing and applying numerous state-of-the-art computational algorithms, statistical analytics, probabilistic modeling, and signal processing. The objectives are to improve the understanding of the failure mechanisms of engineering systems and material components; to ensure their durability, integrity, safety, and reliability, and to facilitate proactive and rational decisions on their condition-based maintenance and repair as well asset management. The application of the multidisciplinary research covers a wide spectrum of fields such as aerospace, automobile, civil and energy in the context of condition based predictive maintenance and prognostics health management of engineering systems. 姜孝谟博士于2005年从美国俄亥俄州立(Ohio State)大学土木工程系获得结构工程博士学位,2000年从新加坡国立大学获得硕士学位,分别于1995和1998年从北方(京)交通大学获得土木工程学士和硕士学位。姜博士2005-2007年在美国田纳西洲范德堡 (Vanderbilt)大学做博士后,现任美国通用电气公司(GE)高级工程师和高级技术顾问,2011年同济大学光华访问教授及2012年同济大学海外杰出专家奖。姜博士在结构及工程系统的健康监测,建模及模型验证,可靠性与条件评估,以及基于条件的预测维护(CBM)和健康管理(PHM)等领域有十多年研究经验,并在这些领域的理论与应用上都有独到的建树。在国际学术期刊已发表30多篇SCI检索论文,出版1部英文专著《Intelligent Infrastructure》和3篇英文章节,申请7项技术发明专利(美国)。姜博士2008年开始在GE公司CBM部任职主任工程师和项目开发经理,2年内带领团队完成7项重大课题。2010年姜博士提升为GE公司设备远程健康监测与诊断部的高级工程师和高级技术顾问,领导一跨国团队负责全球500多家天然气发电站和1500多台机组性能的远程监测和诊断,给公司平均每年创造数亿美元的利润。2011年以来姜博士得到GE公司领导的10多次嘉奖,他的多项美国专利成果已被GE公司应用于机组的预测维护,远程监测和健康管理,给公司每年节省开支或创汇上亿美元。姜博士现是国际学术期刊《Journal of?Advanced Computing》的编委,美国ASME模型验证委员会委员,28家国际学术期刊及数十家国际学术会议的评委,并多次受邀担任不同国际会议的编委和技术指导。姜博士现是美国注册工程师。
时间:2012年12月21日(星期五)16:00-17:00 地点:综合实验1号楼602 主办单位:工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 ???????????????????运载工程与力学学部工程力学系 |