
单位名称:大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工程力学系
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学术报告——Real-time Nonlinear Model Updating of Structural and Damping Systems

2012年12月12日 00:00 来源:大连理工大学工程力学系 点击:[ ]

Dr. Wei Song

Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental EngineeringThe University of Alabama


Model updating procedures are traditionally performed off-line. With the significant recent advances in embedded systems and the related real-time computing capabilities, online or real-time model updating can be performed to inform decision making and controller actions. The applications for real-time model updating are mainly in the areas of i) condition diagnosis and prognosis of engineering systems; and ii) control systems that benefit from accurate modeling of the system plant. Herein, the development of a cyber-physical real-time model updating platform, including real-time computing environment, model updating algorithm, hardware architecture and experimental testbed, is described. Successful results from two challenging experimental implementations are presented to illustrate the performance of this cyber-physical platform in achieving the goal of real-time updating nonlinear systems under realistic conditions. The experiments consider typical nonlinear engineering systems that exhibit hysteresis. The implementation of the platform is also discussed, including required timing constraints and overall evaluation of the system.



Dr. Wei Song is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at The University of Alabama. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees fromTongjiUniversityand his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering fromPurdueUniversity. His primary research interests include structural health monitoring, earthquake engineering, nonlinear dynamics and stochastic optimal control. Currently, he is investigating the applications of real-time nonlinear updating techniques and the associated testing platform development.





上一条:学术报告——Make System Intelligent – Computational Analytics 下一条:学术报告——Characterization of carbon nanotube and graphene polymer nanocomposites

